‘Tis the Season to try something different

‘Tis the Season to try something different

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. Before we nestled the children all snug in their beds,We had to eat and feast, as after all,‘Twas the night before Christmas! Now, we were going away for a few days, so the thought of planning a traditional ‘Réveillon’ was overwhelming. So I suggested we would follow a long-establisehd Jewish tradition and eat Chinese food for Christmas. The kids were confused, so I had to explain. It’s been documented a-plenty that North American Jews have been patrons to Chinese eateries while Christians are celebrating. Historians believe that the tradition began in New York’s Lower East Side, at the tail end of the 19th century, with an early wave of Eastern European immigrants. Chinese immigrants were settling…

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NYF March Madness: The Works edition

NYF March Madness: The Works edition

The Waffle’s first foray in NYF’s March Madness happened at the Carlingwood Mall location. Feeling edgy, The Waffle ordered The Works ($7.25). Now, despite the name, The Works is not quite the works. They topped their French Fries with their beef chili, add cheese sauce, topped with real sour cream, and garnish with bacon and green onions. No cheese curds (although they offered me as an extra) and no gravy. NYF’s The Works is a pretty good concoction. Does it qualify as a poutine, though? Kind of, I guess. Today, the fries were freshly made to order, coming out piping hot and nicely crispy. There was a healthy amount of every toppings. I got four laddles of beef chili. It is not very spicy, but still pretty good, a hearthy meat vs red beans ratio. A couple of squeezes of cheese sauce, which is trans fat free. So there is…

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Merry Christmas from The Waffle

General Dec 25, 2009 The Waffle 1 Comment   From all of us here at The Waffle, a special Christmas Treat via the creators of This is Why you’re Fat. A tree made of parsley, tomatoes, sausages, wieners slices and cocktail weenies makes for a tasty decoration around any house, and it will feed all your guests while entertaining them at the same time. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas.

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Refuelling with Chicken Wings

Restaurant Dec 20, 2009 The Waffle No Comments What to do to refuel and keep going after an afternoon of tailgaiting, drinking, and football in Buffalo? The best place to go is The Anchor Bar. So I dragged the gang there, hoping that they would deliver as they did the last time I was there. The matronne was there, blowing kisses as usual, promising to deliver steamy tasty chicken wings for all. We sat in the bar area, catching Sunday Night Football.  Near us, Boston Globe reporter Dan Shaughnessy was chatting loudly with a Buffalo scribe about today’s game at Orchard Park. Of course, let’s not forget we had a vegetarian with us.  Turns out – he believes fish are veggies, because he ordered the fish and chips. The Anchor Bar calls their fish & chips the “Fish Fry Everyday”. Rick got a gigantic piece of Icelandic Haddock, served with…

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Jim’s Steakout is not a steakhouse

General Dec 19, 2009 The Waffle No Comments I found that out very slowly though after our night out on Chippewa street following the Sabres-Penguins’ game. I was hungry. We were in a bar watching the last bit of Sunday Night Football. I decided to scout out a location for a nice dinner and I left the guys behind . I saw the sign.  Jim’s Steakout. I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign Life is demanding without understanding I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign No one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong… But where do you belong? (I saw the sign – I saw the si-i-ign) I saw the sign! (I saw the sign – I saw the si-ig-i-ign) (i saw the sign – i saw the si-ign) i…

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