Super Bowl Home Party 2021

Super Bowl Home Party 2021

The kids were disappointed because for the first time in a long time, we had to stay home for the Super Bowl. Feeling their pain, I made a deal with them. Plan the menu. I’ll execute it.So they did their part. The menu included a cover page and three distinct sections. On the cover, you will note the team logos, the fields, complete with goalposts, and what I can only assume are characters from Among Us, one near a bench and the other dropping the ball. SUS! The ‘Appetizer’ section called for french fries, pigs in a blanket, chips and veggies with dip. Simple enough. The ‘Main Meals’ section was setting the stage for chili, chicken wings and ribs. You will note the NFL simplified logo, a red square and the Pepsi logo, with a chicken wing in the middle. For dessert, cake and ice cream and a Tom Brady-style…

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NYF March Madness: The Works edition

NYF March Madness: The Works edition

The Waffle’s first foray in NYF’s March Madness happened at the Carlingwood Mall location. Feeling edgy, The Waffle ordered The Works ($7.25). Now, despite the name, The Works is not quite the works. They topped their French Fries with their beef chili, add cheese sauce, topped with real sour cream, and garnish with bacon and green onions. No cheese curds (although they offered me as an extra) and no gravy. NYF’s The Works is a pretty good concoction. Does it qualify as a poutine, though? Kind of, I guess. Today, the fries were freshly made to order, coming out piping hot and nicely crispy. There was a healthy amount of every toppings. I got four laddles of beef chili. It is not very spicy, but still pretty good, a hearthy meat vs red beans ratio. A couple of squeezes of cheese sauce, which is trans fat free. So there is…

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Oh, Dimaggio’s!

Mrs. Waffle did some research before our road trip vacation in New York State. And once I convinced her that Cooperstown was a must stop, she insisted that dinner happened at Dimaggio’s Cooperstown Hot Grill. So first we visited the Baseball Hall of Fame. And then we set out for Dimaggio’s. “The best food in town. Cooperstown, that is.” says their website. DiMaggio’s is owned and run by the DiMaggio family, (yes, cousin to Joe) and is located on Route 28, directly across from the Cooperstown Dreams Park – bringing them hungry customers by the busload. DiMaggio’s is obviously targeting families. Leaving aside their ice cream section, with their sundaes selection (banana split, chocolate chip cookie, strawberry shortcake and hot fudge brownie), their menu offers many options: New York Strip Steaks, Baby Back Ribs and all kinds of specialty salads, sandwiches and burgers. Apparently, DiMaggio’s Eggplant Parmesan and Rice Ball…

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Adios, Mexicali! Hola, Feleena & Amigos! – A Waffle Exclusive

Si, señor & señorita! Mexicali Rosa’s is no more – in Ontario, at least. That is what The Waffle found out as he brought his familly to the establishment formerly located on Clarence Street, which is now called Feleena’s Cantina. (No link to Feleena’s on Bank that I can see.) Rebranding? Upscaling? Another failed Market adventure? I was curious, and since we still wanted Mexican-style food, the name-change didn’t deter us. We walked in a little before 2PM looking to enjoy the Mexican-fare and the air conditioning on this hot Sunday of July. The place was empty, which made for great, friendly and attentive service throughout our time there! We were greeted by a sign that announced that the changes may only be cosmetic at this point. “Different name, same great taste” it said. Well, Mexicali has never been a high-end establishment, so we would have to judge for ourselves…

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Dinosaur, I’m baaaaaaack!

I know, I was just there, but we had to stop somewhere for lunch on the way back from Buffalo, didn’t we? So we did!  Dinosaur Bar-B-Que welcomed us for lunch. It being Monday, the place was not as busy as it had been on Saturday. But it was still very busy. We sat down in a corner, a little tired from the week-end, a little anxious to get home. We looked at the menu quickly.  Ribs were ordered, Fried Green Tomatoes too. I went for the BBQ Prime Rib Smothered Sandwich. Then Patrick ordered the Bacon Cheeseburger. That’s when it began: “How would you like your burger?” our server asked. “What?” replied Patrick. “How would you like it cooked?” “What?” “How would you like your burger cooked?” “Cooked?” That when I intervened: “Yes, cooked.  Rare, medium-rare, you know? Cooked.” Patrick still looked confused, but ordered medium-rare.  His confusion is…

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