Super Bowl Home Party 2021

Super Bowl Home Party 2021

The kids were disappointed because for the first time in a long time, we had to stay home for the Super Bowl. Feeling their pain, I made a deal with them. Plan the menu. I’ll execute it.So they did their part. The menu included a cover page and three distinct sections. On the cover, you will note the team logos, the fields, complete with goalposts, and what I can only assume are characters from Among Us, one near a bench and the other dropping the ball. SUS! The ‘Appetizer’ section called for french fries, pigs in a blanket, chips and veggies with dip. Simple enough. The ‘Main Meals’ section was setting the stage for chili, chicken wings and ribs. You will note the NFL simplified logo, a red square and the Pepsi logo, with a chicken wing in the middle. For dessert, cake and ice cream and a Tom Brady-style…

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Mezzaluna a quiet, hidden Italian discovery

I had a lunch date with Marie in downtown Ottawa and was trying to find a spot I had never been to. I had heard good things about Café Mezzaluna, so that’s where we headed. Located on Cooper near Elgin, this Italian restaurant is connected to the Cartier Place Suite Hotel.  It has a nice little patio in the summer, but since March begun at -10, it wasn’t open, despite yesterday’s hype about year-round patios being considered by the city.  I mean, this is not Vancouver, especially not today. The restaurant’s decor is kind of dated, but I actually do not mind.  It gives it a classic, old school feel, a warm and comforting atmosphere. We sat at a table in the back corner. There was a party of 8 by the front window, sitting around a big round table. A couple of women showed up some time after.  So it wasn’t empty, but it was quiet. Which,…

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Chives’ talkin’

For our first dinner during our Halifax getaway weekend, we decided to go to Chives, which was on a shortlist of recommendations from the Waffler nation. I had also heard good things about Chives Canadian Bistro, although had been warned that it could be a bit pricey.The restaurant was quite busy, which is normal for a Saturday night – thankfully, we were able to make online reservations for a late dinner date. The restaurant was quite busy, which is normal for a Saturday night – thankfully, we were able to make online reservations for a late dinner date. Chives opened in December 2001 and since then it has gained an excellent reputation, winning numerous awards notably in The Coast. The restaurant is in downtown Halifax, on Barrington Street,which runs adjacent from the famous Halifax harbour. The outside features a weird doll display, representing something. I don’t know. The 2nd storey…

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