Waffle Trouble

Dear Waffler Nation,  The Waffle has been experiencing some stability issues with its host server, blog.com, for some time now. I hope these issues will be resolved soon and that I will be able to resume regular programming in short order. Thank you for your patience

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“Kudos! We think The Waffle is one of the best blogs in Quebec City!”

Apparently, even though I’m based in Canada’s capital, it is in Quebec’s capital that I made it, according to MetroMarks.com. The upstart webzine was founded by Ayden Byle and is referred to on their site as their Fearless Leader. Here is what they had to say: “Hello! I’m writing to let you know that The Waffle is now being featured on MetroMarks.com – the world’s only, city-based bookmarking site. To view your MetroMark on our Quebec City Blog page, click here! What can MetroMarks do for you? MetroMarks brings together all of your favourite search engines, local news, maps, transit, events, classifieds, social sites and more… all on one site. You can also upload your own personal bookmarks, making MetroMarks an ideal home page, particularly when travelling to other cities or using alternate computers. MetroMarks provides fast, accurate access to the most relevant, city-specific information – no matter where you…

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The Waffle’s makeover

My most assiduous readers and many casual ones as well have noticed that the Waffle has slowed down his postings in the past two months. No doubt, the arrival of the Waffle Jr. is one of the reasons why I haven’t been able to update regularly. But the main reason has been my frustration with my host, Blog.com. For over a month, Blog.com was impossible to use. Bad gateways, 502 errors, 504 errors, 505, 506! It was frustrating at times, and I did consider moving my blog somewhere else. Once they resolved their stability and performance problems, I was ready to resume my activities. Unfortunately, their fix created more problems, which forced me to make some design changes in order to ensure a smooth migration of my older material. Hence, the Waffle Makeover, which didn’t take as much time as a Restaurant Makeover. There might some kinks left, but hopefully…

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