Christmas is cancelled!!

A reader alerts me to another reader’s great dismay in this Holiday Season, as the news of the closure of an Ottawa institution is spreading amongst his circle – and as friends go on suicide-watch: —————– Dear friends, I just learned some truly crushing news which has effectively ruined the holidays for me (particularly our family new year’s tradition). I see no reason your holidays should be spared …. After 64 years — the last egg roll My stomach doesn’t know why I live in this town any more. – kd —————– There you have it, dear Wafflers. Cathay is no longer, having closed yesterday after 64 years of pleasing generations of palates. Opened in 1946, the Year of the Dog, this Canadian-Chinese restaurant was always busy for lunch, especially upstairs, where the all-you-can-eat buffet was attracting blue and white collar workers alike, politicians of all trades, children and seniors.…

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