Burger Bonanza!

IMG-20120911-01244_zps366f75ac Lunch had arrived, and Marc-André and I needed to talk. It happens from time to time. He suggested that we head to the Mayflower on Elgin. I thought it was a good idea and I agreed. I like going to this English Pub, the food is good and the service friendly and efficient. It became an even better idea when we realized it was their Famous Burger Bonanza!

But what does it even mean?

Well, it means that on top of the four regular burgers the Mayflower offers to regulars and tourists alike, there is a whole new bonanza of burgers!

There was no trace of the Boondoggle Burger the Mayflower once offered. But you can go with the Texas Sirloin Burger – topped with chipotle mayo, fried mushrooms and onion rings; the Mediterranean Veggie Burger – a portebello mushroom cap topped with zucchini, roasted red pepper and goat cheese; the Panini Melt – topped with zesty BBQ sauce, cheddar and swiss cheese, tomato and onions, and of course finished on the Panini grill; the Buffalo Bill Cody Burger – a buffalo patty topped with sauteed mushrooms, onions and bacon; the Brunch Burger – topped with a fried egg and marble cheddar; or the one that attracted my attention , the Bluenose Fish Burger – a fillet of Haddock panko breaded and topped with roasted red pepper tartar sauce.

And one Bluenose for me!
Meanwhile, Marc-André elected to go with the Buffalo Bill Cody Burger.

Within a few minutes, BONANZA!
Our burgers had arrived.

Both burgers came with the fresh salad we ordered – yes, we’re healthy boyz, skipping the french fries.  Red cabbage, red onions, shredded carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes on a bed of green lettuce. The dressing came on the side, so full control for the customers, and everything was fresh and crisp.

Marc-André’s burger looked good.

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The Buffalo patty was topped with a good quantity of sauteed mushrooms, onions and bacon, plus the Mayflower’s regular trimmings of tomatoes, pickle and lettuce. However, he said that the patty was overdone, which must have been a real disappointment – but not a surprise. Buffalo meat is much leaner than beef, but most places offering a buffalo burger cook the meat as if it is beef, resulting in a fairly dry patty. Unfortunate.

I seemed to fare better with my Bluenose burger.

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I love the fact that they do not make a fish patty but instead use a whole fillet, and a sizeable one at that. The panko breading was crispy and acted as a good supporting actor to the fish, not adding much flavour but ensuring firmness and improving texture. The haddock was moist, flaky, delicious. The roasted red pepper tartar sauce was intriguing. The red pepper flavour worked well with the fish, but it seemed to me that it lacked acidity. I fixed that with a squirt of lemon juice, since a lemon wedge was readily available.

This was a substantial fish burger, where the fish was the star. A fish burger like it should be.

Mayflower Restaurant and Pub on Urbanspoon

One Comment:

  1. Yes I was disappointed but I had a good time.

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