BFF is closing until April

BFF is closing until April

BFF is choosing people before profit, so if you are craving an excellent burger, you’ll have to go somewhere else.

You’ll find the explanations from CEO Jamil Bhuya below.

We’re closing all locations tentatively until April

Hey BFFs,

Today I have decided to make a very difficult decision in light of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation that is both unpredictable and unprecedented. While I take pride in being there for our hungry BFFs, I have to ensure the safety of those who are the lifeblood of BFF: our staff.

Even though the government has not mandated closing down take-out or delivery services, I feel it is not right to continue to put our staff at risk.

There is also the duty we have to the public and community by ensuring we collectively decrease the transmission of this virus.

Therefore, I have decided to close all of our remaining locations indefinitely until we control the spread of this virus. We will always choose people over profits.

CEO/Founder, Jamil Bhuya

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