Jooooosé, José, José! Joséééé! Joséééé!

My friend Scott, a Rapidz fan, invented this sauce in honour of Jose de los Santos.

I don’t know why exactly, but there it is.

De Los Santos Sweet and Sour Sauce
Time: one hour


Four tomatoes, diced
Half of one large white onion, finely cut
Two cloves of garlic, diced
One cup of pureed tomatoes
Half a cup of white wine vinegar
Two cups of stock
Tablespoon of sugar

Sautée garlic and onion for two to three minutes, then add diced tomatoes, pureed tomatoes and stock.
Simmer for 40 – 50 minutes.
Blend on high for one minute.
Place back on heat and add white wine vinegar and sugar, warm for 5 minutes.
Serve with chicken or pork.

The next America-Russia summit

Aug 29, 2008

So, while I was doing a panel on CFRA, Senator John McCain announced that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would be his vice presidential candidate.

Now, this could be a very smart choice for McCain and help him in his bid to resist the Obama-mania.

If McCain does indeed succeed and becomes the next President of the United States of America, what will happen when he goes to Russia?

Well, we would have the McCain-Poutine summit.

Hmmmmm…  Not sure how tasty that would be.

(Yes, I know, in english he is Putin. And he is no longer the President.  Stop being a bunch of nit pickers.)
